Adobe Typekit and Google WebFonts
I am trying to use Adobe Typekit or Google WebFonts in the design of my site.
Am having difficulty getting either to work.
I have tried two methods with Typekit, having inserted Typekit's two lines of code into the <head> section of each page by using the Meta-Tags>Raw Headers window.
1) - using CSS customisations to generate a custom class:
- then using that to surround some text:
<h1asd> Test text </h1asd>
This method has no effect
2) using span class on the page, to reference 'h1asd' defined in typekit as a
<span class="h1asd">Test text</span>
This method has no effect eitherGoogle Webfonts also requires a line of code in the <head> section which I've also done using Meta-Tags>Raw HeadersThen I've added this to the CSS customisation: h1asdg { font-family: ‘Raleway Dots’, Arial, serif; font-weight: 400; } And again tried wrapping the text in a <h1asdg> tag, but also with no effect.
What am i doing wrong?

Steve Andrews commented
We've added a new help page explaining how to add more font options, specifically Google fonts, to the content editor. It involves a number of steps and theme overrides. Here's the page: .
If you run into any issues with this page, please use the feedback form at the bottom to let us know.
Thanks and good luck
Jan commented
I did nothing. I assumed something happened on your end.
Not sure I understand your comments about the font code, our CSS, from google fonts is in the Raw Headers. We are using normal Oranienbaum and normal plug bold Open Sans.
<link href='|Open+Sans:400,700'; rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> strange it is working now if neither of us made any modifications. Thanks.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
My team told me that you incorrectly included the font in CSS code, plus you were using not just Normal, but also Bold, Italic and Bold+Italic too.
But it looks like it works now (did you change something?), so it does not matter. Sorry, cannot help you more here.
Jan commented
The logo is in Oranienbaum. The h1 header on the page should be as well.
Any insight is appreciated.
Thanks Jan
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Hi, Jan - cannot see the picture you mentioned (broken).
Can you provide the link so we can look at?
Jan commented
Thanks for that suggestion. I use browers inspectos-very handy indeed. As you can see from this screen shot, the h1 tag looks correct in the CSS, but what appears on the screen is not Oranienbaum, it's Times. The logo is Oranienbaum. You can also view the font here: I have assigned Times to h2 and you can see they look the same. If I assign Oranienbaum to the body tag, it looks fine and the font appears visually correct on the screen. Very confusing to me. Thanks for your help. I can send a link if that would help.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
If you're using Chrome, you can use Inspector (right click on the page, Inspect element). There you can see what styles are actually applied to your H elements and why it's not working.
Jan commented
I am having mixed results using Google WebFonts. We are using two different fonts. The body works fine. But, when I assign a fot-family to the h tags, it doesn't use the Google font, it uses the second font in the list. Anything special about the h fonts? or any suggests would be helpful. I want to use h tags for SEO reasons.
Thanks Jan
Gareth Fry commented
I found out a successful solution to using Google Webfonts.
I have been putting the:
<link href='|Roboto'; rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
code into the header Meta-Tags of the relevant page (Web pages > Page Management > Meta-Tags > Header.
And then in Settings > CSS customization I've put:
h8 {font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;}
Then on the relevant web page I've encased some text in <h8>, eg
<h8> This is some text with a webfont </h8>
This I was doing before. What I didn't clock is that Wild Apricot will not show you the webfont if you are in Admin view or editing the page. You have to go into Public view to see the effect. A small but critical detail!