adding slideshows
I am attempting to add animated slideshows and read the above documentation.
I installed the plugin, uploaded the files, but am lost when it tells me....
"To do that we need to edit the Head.tpl file in our Theme Overrides and then upload that file to our Theme Overrides folder."
Where do I find the head,tpl file? I opened each folder in my theme over ride and can't find this file. I've been using Wild Apricot for a year now with a new client and they love it, as do I. However, it's time to take the site to a new level in look and feel.
Thanks so much for your prompt response.
Donna Campanelli is my site

Tony Pampel commented
Not sure what was going on witht he formatting on that last post, so this is to test to make sure that Forums formatting still works... Sorry for multiple posts! Tony
Tony Pampel commented
Donna, If I'm not mistaken, the theme override folders are an empty hierarchy in the beginning. You can download the original theme files by following this path: 1. Enter Admin View of your Site 2. Click Settings, then under Look & Feel, click Theme Overrides (BETA) 3. You'll find the original theme files for download at the top of the page. The hierarchy of the theme folder matches the override foler. So you would open the head.tpl file in the root of your theme folder, edit it, and upload it to the root of your theme override folder. If you wanted to make a change your login box gadget, though, you would open the file in /Gadgets/GadgetTemplate.tpl, edit that, and then upload it to ThemeOverrides/Gadgets/ I hope this helps! Tony --Just noticed that this is a two-month-old post. Oh well. Hope you got it working, and that this helps someone else int he future!