Changing colour palatte of theme
Hi, I have been trying to change the theme palatte colours as instructed on the WA help page Customizing Colors and Styles options for themes.
I downloaded the theme files but when I open the 'defautValues.txt' file it does not look like the one in the example. Basically there is no actual information in there about colours - the values are all empty! See attachment.
Nor does it have the same language eg Globalsettings- but this may be because of the theme and version I am using (Kalidescopneon.V3.0)
I’ve tried adding the colour value to on part - the login button (which I assume is the icon at the top of my home page that looks like a person) but nothing has changed.
I uploaded the file to the Themeoverrides/Kalidescop_neon.V3.0/PointAndClickSettings.
Also, when I downloaded the theme files the two files mentioned where there but when I went back into the theme files on WA the
Themeoverrides/Kalidescop_neon.V3.0/PointAndClickSettings folder was empty.
It now contains the two files I uploaded.
Hope someone can help, I really need to change the colour palatte to my own colours.
BTW I do not want to just change to another colour palatte option on the same theme as suggested by WA, I need to put in my own colours. I can change a lot of the colours manually but there are many times where there is not option to change them. Eg in screenshot attached, the base of the slideshow is orange as are the arrows at the side of the slider, so are various buttons still for certain functions event though I have changed all the buttons.
I hope someone can help, I am at a loss!!
Many thanks