This forum is for any designer (new and old) who is involved in the design of a Wild Apricot based websites.
373 results found
Remove Spaces Left from Registration Link
Hi All,
The CSS Customization method found in the help files removes the 'Spaces Left' from the displayed list of events, but if one clicks to register for an event, the 'Spaces Left' count is still there.
How do I force the count to stop showing anywhere, yet still have a limited number of spaces?
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Changing event registration buttons
I am looking for help on changing the different buttons in the registraiton process screens (ie.. back, cancel, confirm, confirm and pay etc...
Is there anyone who has some script to do that?
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Changing buttons in registrations
Ist there anyone who can help me with the necessary code and or instructions as to how I can change the text on some of the buttons in the registration screens?
The following things I would like to change:Review and confirm = Bestätigung der Anmeldung
Cancel = Stornieren
Back = Zurück
Confirm and proceed with payment = Bestätigen und weiter zur Bezahlung
any help or information would be appreciated.
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Designer Tutorials: Adding Animated Slideshows
One of goals of our designer forum is to promote and support designer creating sites on top of Wild Apricot.
One way we plan to do this is by publishing regular (bi-weekly) tutorials on advanced design topics.
And for our first tutorial we'll look at how you can add Animated Slideshows to a Wild Apricot websites using a jQuery Plugin and Wild Apricot Theme Overrides.
You can find the tutorial here:
Also if you have any suggestions for tutorial please let us know.
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Size of box on events page
I'm new to Wild Apricot and know nothing about CSS (or any other type!) of code.
I want to change the size of the box on my Events page but have been told by support that they are fixed and can only be changed by changing the CSS code. Can anyone tell me how to do that?
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Wild Apricot removes code for social media sharing buttons during "cleaning HTML" process.
Wild Apricot removes code for social media sharing buttons during "cleaning HTML" process. The code that I'm trying to incorporate into my site is as follows (from
<span class='st_twitter_large' ></span><span class='st_facebook_large' ></span><span class='st_email_large' ></span><span class='st_sharethis_large' ></span>
Is there any reason why WIld Apricot is trying to get rid of this code?
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Add button over the Home link in the left navigation
I would like to put a button for Joining or Renewing Membership above the Home link in the left navigation area. See for a visual example of what I want to accomplish.
I see documentation about putting content under the menu but not above.
Is this possible?
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Link to a Folder or File
I am new with the Wild Apricot site. How do I set a link on a web page to a folder or file that I just uploaded in File Management?
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Inserting PHP pages
I'm relatively new to WA and new to the forum and have been unsuccessful finding the answer to this question here. Perhaps someone could kindly answer for me: Is there a way to insert PHP pages into WA, maybe via iframes or something similar?,
I have a database that needs to serve a collection of PDF files to my WA site users, and the best way to do this would be to have a page inserted into the normal WA site that contains PHP code. I know you can add HTML and Javascript, but can PHP pages be used?…
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Social Login platform integration
I am toying with the idea of using a social login product such as Janrain engage ( ) as a way to increase my social media presence (I run a social club, so it make sense to optimise the use of social media for cross promotion).
Has anyone tried this on any WA sites? I found a couple of posts asking about facebook connect and linkedin integration, but not much else.
Surely it would be reasonably straight forward. I don't consider myself to be a developer, but know more than enough to get myself in and out of webworld…
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Gibberish when adding AreaUnderMenu.tpl
I tried adding AreaUnderMenu.tpl and I got a lot of gibberish after adding it. All I had in the file was an <img> tag? Anyone have an idea what might cause this?
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf540 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 \ \ }
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Linking Gadget Titles Anyone?
The gadget titles cannot be linked using the gadget settings at this time. However, it may be possible to do this using Javascript code.
Has anyone done this already?
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Nicasio Design & Development ROCKS!
I just want to let all Wild Apricot clients know that my experience using Felix and Nicasio Design and Development is unbelievable. They are a Wild Apricot partner and totally understand exactly what it means to be a non-profit with limited resources. Felix and his colleagues helped our new organization with some javascript coding that was necessary to facilitate unique privacy issues we were facing with our members based upon the way the levels of membership are setup in our bylaws. If you ever need help with CSS, Javascript, web design or other programming and coding issues, I recommend using…
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Members connecting thru LinkedIn integration, eHarmony-like interface
I'm hoping some folks have some ideas for us. This may be too big for "wishlist" and maybe there is a workaround that I'm not seeing.
We have two big things we'd like to do with our membership via our WA site:
Create a robust membership directory without asking our members to recreate the wheel. Most of our members are on LinkedIn and have spent considerable time building profiles there. We'd love to be able to integrate with LinkedIn so that when one member is surfing the member directory, she'd see the info included in another member's LI profile. We…
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Clean, Fresh, Awesome!
Nicasio Design launches a fresh new website for the Chicago Quality Assurance Association (CQAA) built on Wild Apricot membership management platform. This bold, fresh, custom design is the result of what the Nicasio Design team can accomplish on Wild Apricot.
Here, see for yourself:
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Adding text on unsubscribe page
When I send an email to members there is an 'unsubscribe' link at the bottom of the email. I asked if this could be removed but was told that due to spam regulations it cannot. Hence, since the unsubscribe link cannot be removed from emails, on the page where they confirm that they are unsubscribing from newsletters, can some text be added to inform users that by doing so they are not stopping their recurrent payments, nor cancelling their membership, but rather only stopping the delivery of newsletter emails? I just want to avoid confusion. How may I add text…
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Remove Hyperlink for Authors in Blogs and Forums
In any blogs and forums I would like to remove the ability for members and the public to click on the author's name and be able to go to the author's profile. I only want to list their name as an author. Is there a way to do that using CSS code? Thank you in advance.
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Remove space between content and top menu
Looking for the css code to remove the space between the content page and top menu. I have already set the margin for the content page to zero.
Any help would be appreciated.
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WordPress Married To Wild Apricot
So, often our clients want to remain on WordPress and at the same time take advantage of the Wild Apricot membership management backbone. The answer? Custom Nicasio Design Magic.
We migrate the WordPress site's design, layout and nav items to the client's Wild Apricot site. The result? Look for yourself...
Seamless, kick butt, custom integration of the two most powerful platforms available today.
Let us know if we can do the same for you or your friends ;0)
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Wild Apricot Design Showcase
Dani808 got the ball rolling with her post encouraging everyone to share their favorite Wild Apricot websites.
So to keep it rolling I've created this "Wild Apricot Design Showcase" post for everyone to keep sharing their favorite sites. Please post your sites or sites you've found created in Wild Apricot in the comments below.
Showcase List
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