Online store
Current features:
Items can only be sold if they are part of a membership application, event registration, manual invoice or donation.
Desired features:
Create a store of items that can be purchased individually or collectively (e.g. shopping cart)

Hi supporters,
Today the Wild Apricot online store functionality was enabled for all paid accounts. We did our best to roll it out earlier than it was expected so you could try it out before the day of price increase.
Please fill out this survey to let us know what is missing in the initial version so we could define the followups:
Thanks for all the support and help during beta-test.
Best Regards,
Kate P
WA, Emailing development team
taaj commented
Id love it if there were some other way to pay for tangible products other than that lousy PayPal thing. The presentation of that thing is awful. I realize that for security reasons, you can't add code for other shopping carts, but surely there is a way to do this that isn't difficult at all. Coding check out buttons and adding pictures and descriptions should be fairly easy to do.
ldavies commented
We would really appreciate having an online store as soon as possible. Both for physical items such as CDs and for services (like auditions).
Opera Company of Brooklyn
Dmitry Buterin commented
Definitely 2011. Not likely to be early 2011 - we are now at early detailed design stage and there is a lot of ground to cover.
Connie Clem commented
Tantalizing. What estimate can you share for when this will be available? Definitely 2011? Early 2011 by any chance?
Estimated date and a sense of expected features/options would be wonderful for planning.
Our association is interested in many of the same options as people have mentioned here. Some items for sale to members only, others to public, possibly with different pricing for the two audiences. Some items shipped on sale, others to be downloaded.
Looking forward - thanks!
Sharon Graham commented
An online store would be right up our alley.
Michelle Wilson commented
Bring It!
Gene Pennington commented
I'm really happy to hear this is moving forward. I'm building an online store now using PayPal buttons but it's not pretty. Having something from you that I can customize and build my own items for sale would be much better, and easier.
The download of digital files will be the majority of our sales but we do offer some printed publications.
Thanks for all the hard work to make this happen.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for commenting. There is no doubt in our mind about the priority of the online store - this is now in analysis and design stage and it's just a matter of planning / prioritizing.
billsinc commented
Another feature we need is the ability to offer different prices to members versus those offered to non-members.
Fenner Nature Center commented
We are still currently in our free trial period, and just about the only thing holding us back from jumping in feet first is the lack of a shopping cart system.
Wild Apricot can do so much for us as a non-profit, but because we have offer programs like day camps to our members, and with various enrollment options (families may have three kids that want to go to several of our camps), we aren't sure how deeply we want to commit due to the frustrations with multiple registrations.
Please. Please. Please...add a shopping cart system. When that is done, we will have reached our efficiency Mecca here and will certainly update our membership to give you more money!
PureVril commented
Great! Thank you Gordon. A bit diffrent approuch, but we will review that options as well.
Gordon Stewart commented looks fine but for $8 per month gives you 20 products + downloads + an affiliate program.
See this post for more details
PureVril commented
While we wait for the for an online store here, we are currently testing and playing around with which adds a clean tab to the site using java widget . It's still in beta. Works with current website and adds a red "store" or "shop" tab/button to the website, and the store will simply pop-up over current site without a redirect off current site.
Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks Carl!
(Though realistically it is probably more work for us to integrate any external system than to build our own, if you consider all the ways this has to 'hook' into Wild Apricot to provide good user experience. )
CarlEReid commented
Being able to sell digital products online with a shopping cart would be of interest for our Executive Committee team to consider. If career professionals choose not to become a member, they could still purchase our digital career management tools online.
Rather than developing a shopping cart system from the ground up, maybe the Wild Apricot development team might consider implementing a customizable shopping cart system. has an excellent product one of my technology consulting clients implemented. Kryptronic did a great job of customizing my client's shopping cart, which had very intricate requirements. I can make an introduction to the Kryptronic CEO, if required.
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
I wish we could, but even in the best of situations we still have a lot of technical analysis to do on this issue, so it won't be ready for November 2010.
Virginia Michelin commented
We also like the idea of being able to sell items from our website. A 20% off idea seems nice too. Members could get rewards for volunteering and their gift would be the ability to get organization merchandise at a discount. We are having a National Conference in November 2010, would this be done by then?
Daniel commented
We use WA to manage the membership and registration for our congregation.
Right now, each year, a family ("bundle owner") has to renew (or join) as a member, and then they have to complete separate transactions for each student they want to register in the school (we track those as "events").
It would be super helpful for them to be able to complete each registration, placing the item in the "shopping cart", and then only have to execute one transaction for payment.
anonymous_206.223.175.10 commented
We have been considering something similar as part of our online store. I'm going to merge this thread into the Online store one so that they can all be considered together.
As always, thanks for the great feedback.
Janice Stevens commented
This seems to be a very popular request and much needed feature to the system. We have had so many complaints from our clients about the complexity of the system and not being able to register for multiple events at the same time. Do you have any idea how long it will be before this feature is added?
Thank you so much.